Shen and Stevie were AH-MAZE-ING together!!! They were
sweet, they were kind, they were hot, hot, hot (unleash the WILD PANDA), they
were confused, determined, and they just, kinda, sorta, fell together. They
made me laugh out loud, they made me smile, I cringed with them, I backed away
when they did, and I was completely and utterly enthralled by them, and
invested in their relationship
When you get one MacKilligan sister, you get them all. Shen
knows this. And wherever those sisters go, trouble will follow. He knows this
as well. Throw in some Jean-Louis Parker prodigies (one for Shen to protect,
one as Stevie’s old friend, and one as her new friend), one stray cat (that has
“chosen” the sisters, according to Stevie, and that Max is in a war with), a neighbourhood
full of bears (which Stevie is terrified of), and, of course, Blayne and Bo, because
every story needs a catalyst point, and Blayne is so perfect in that role, and
there was enough action, intrigue, fun, and giggles for everyone
Old rivals pop up, MacKilligan family near and far are
around, and the Van Holtz’s trying to keep control in this out-of-control
situation, while hanging onto their skin. Of course, Charlie, Max, and Stevie
are in the thick of it all, being the strong, singular, dysfunctional unit that
only they can be, and their grizzly and panda boyfriends, and their families,
are right there with them
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