Dana and Zach start building their life together in this
book. It all seems to be going well, really, too well. Little things crop up,
and then a really big thing, that put some wrinkles into the mix. While trying
to work out things together, they forgot a very important rule, you need to
communicate to each other. All the time, about lots of things. See, they did
talk about things, but they omitted some pretty basic items that make up their psyche.
Lucky for them, they are not alone, as Brent and Jacob are in their corner
Realistic relationships, with real problems, and blending
BDSM into your everyday life. This book brings a low angst, but emotional, look
into starting over with someone new. Both Dana and Zach had found their happy ever
after and lost it unexpectedly. Their new relationship is different from the
one they had before, but they bring everything they had from it. They have
grown and are different people, but they still carry those experiences. Brent
and Jacob are also part of this new relationship, so everything is magnified
times 4. Yet, they are all willing to make this work, and having those extra
perceptions, only help in the long run. This was an amazing read!
Dana summarizes it pretty clearly "Garnet was her past,
but Zach and Jacob were her future — both fulfilling a need, and both as
important to her as breathing"
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