Jagged Ink by Carrie Ann Ryan releasing February 19, 2019

Jagged Ink by Carrie Ann Ryan

Make sure you have some tissues, because this book had me with the ugly crying through the first third of it. Then some more tears until I hit the mid-way point. From there on in, hope sparked; smiles happened; sexiness came out to play; love grew, it grew again, it grew new, it grew stronger, better, more honestly and pure than it had been able to grow before. A happy ever after is never guaranteed, but once knocked down, if you decide to get up, you can fight for it. Even if the person you’re fighting the most is yourself, as Roxie and Carter find out

Second chances are never certain, but sometimes when things seem the darkest, you find the light. Roxie and Carter were in the dark so long, they forgot about light. Being with them as they found their way, it was truly beautiful!
