Out now - new mob series by Cora Reilly

Twisted Loyalties by Cora Reilly

This book was so much sweeter than I thought could exist in the dark and dingy world that Leona lived in. This book had so much more light in it than I expected from the violent and turbulent world Fabiano lives in. This book took two people who had been betrayed by those who were supposed to care for them, turning one dark, the other light, and brought them together. Neither expected to find the other, neither held out hope for a better world, a different world. But they found it, in each other, and they trusted when there was no reason, and despite the way things were supposed to be, in the end, they chose each other. And found peace. And love. And Fabiano, he found his one. And Leona, she found the one who would fight for her. Neither expected it, or wanted it, but they got it, and they kept it!
