This felt like an epic journey, and it was, and I can't wait for more!
We get to trail along with Kirsten as she and Lauren have their final trip before Lauren goes off to university, and, as Lauren settles into university. First though, Gavin needs to pay his price, and Abbott, Gavin, and Kirsten need to show the supernatural world they aren't at odds. It squicked me out a bit watching that play out, and Gavin is still scary, but I was happy Abbott and Kirsten found a common ground
Then off to China, and this was as intense a journey for me as a reader, as it was for Kirsten. As she explained later in the book, so many things, some big, some small, but each one was a step along her journey. I loved the Monkey King, but wouldn't want to mess with him. His presence and power leapt off the pages, disguised as fun and silliness, but he was subtle in his wisdom. Being with Kirsten and Lauren through China showed so much of the dynamic they have, and the strength they both hold. The mother-daughter bond is so strong with them
Once back in the states, some problems are better, others are stagnant, and Kirsten realizes what her absence has done. She has changed with her travels, but her support network helps her out. New things are happening with Kirsten and Lauren, but old enemies lie in wait. We meet a new ally, a new threat, an old threat, and more of the expanded world outside Chattanooga. The pieces are aligning for big changes to come, and after all that has changed so much, so far, that is as scary as it is exciting!
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