You knew, you just knew, that Bea was going to be a hard nut to crack, if you read the other 3 books about her siblings. But you also knew she was the one with the biggest heart, that was bruised the most, and held so many scars, she thought that was who she was. Of course, she meets her perfect match, in every way, only, they don't meet. Then they do, and she knows what is going on, but he doesn't.
They share their scars, their hurts, their passion, and they find themselves in those moments on reflection. They scorch and burn together, then they are crisp and brittle from the fall out. They are the same, yet, they bring out the best in each other, as well as the worst
Not angst, but shrouded with feelings. Sexiness off the charts, but depth of feelings as well. Cody and Bea belong together, and thank goddess they found each and fought it through!
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