Okay, and wow, that was......... that was scary amazing!!!!!! So much pain, so much change, so much sexiness, it was crazy good. Please, please, please tell there will be more story for a certain Scafoni brother????
Okay, so this book, it picks up where Taken ended, with Helena in the hands of the crazies. Bad things happen, then she is saved. So much plot line that happens, the many emotions, from all the characters, hard to explain without giving anything away. Just know, Torn is appropriate as a title. Torn from what you want and want you should. Torn from following the path you know you should follow and the path you want to go, and what if they are the same? Torn by who you love, and why you shouldn't. Torn from family tradition and Torn from needing peace
Sebastian and Helena go through so much, together, separately, internally, externally, to come out the other side as new people, who are whole, and no longer torn apart. A fantastic conclusion to a fantastic duet!
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