Oh I really loved these two together, but man oh man, did they bring the water works with their story!
Ainsley and Loch fell into being best friends without any rhyme or reason. Then, once Loch's daughter was born and her mother signed off rights to her, Ainsley became an even bigger part of Loch's life, helping him out with his little girl. Ainsley has always loved Loch, but didn't want to lose her best friend. Loch is ridiculously afraid of changing things between him and Ainsley, because he has issues about relationships
Then, everything bubbles up, and we get to see how silly Loch's thought process truly is, and how kick-butt Ainsley really is. I loved that she fought for what she wanted and took no guff from her buddy. I smiled at his confusion, and railed at his actions he took in that confusion.
They are electric together, and all the familiarity from being friends for years, only ramps up the wattage!
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