"Hell is my heaven, as long as I have you"
Shivers right? This is what Tag is all about, no pretense, no subterfuge, nothing hidden. If Tag or Ivy think something, they say it. If they feel something, they express it. If they are mad about something, they let loose!
Both Tag and Ivy have had rough lives. There was nothing easy about it, in different ways, for either of them. But what they both came out of it with was an understanding of what they didn't want. What they wanted to fight for, and how to fight for it. How to keep going when it seems hopeless, when others quit, when you just need to get through the moment
They fit, and they don't fit the fitting. Things are volatile between them, but they also calm each other in ways others never can. They are the other half, and they fight for each other, and what they have
I loved this book so much, it has left me an emotional mess, but in such a good way!
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