I loved this couple, this story, this world!!!!
When you don't give trust easily, when everyone you should have been able to rely on in life let you down, but you still go forward and don't let that hold you back, that is Lexi in the simplest of terms. When you should have been suspicious of everything in your life, but you know to trust your brothers, and you know your place with them, that is Bubbles
These two shouldn't work, but they do. Lexi has a lot of baggage, but it doesn't weigh her down. She is tough, and vulnerable; brave, and scared; wanting to run, but realizing, slowly, this is where she wants to be. Bubbles takes such amazing care for her, he rearranges everything so she is happy, healthy, safe, secure, and gets what she wants. Her needs seem so simple to him, he wants to give her everything. He feels bad when he messes up, and only wants to get thing right. He isn't a pushover, he is a dominant, but he wants his woman to be happy
They have some tribulations and troubles, but at the end of it all, they only want each other, and their love story is all the sweeter because they made it through all those things. They are also crazy sexy together, so that helps too!
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