What a super sweet, extra sexy, heart-string pulling, but still including all the wildness that is Bliss story this is! Watching the King of Bliss, Mr. has-everything-under-control, and I-know-everything, have the entire town call him out, cheer him on, and have his back while he loses his mind was a beautiful thing. Stef knew he met his match with Jen, but instead of looking at the reality of the situation, he focused on what he thought would happen. It takes time and a lot of effort for him from his family, of all kinds, for him to finally see what is right in front of him. By then it is nearly too late on a couple of fronts. Of course, a happily ever after is a guarantee, so it all works out, finally! This book also gives us a two-fer, with another romance 20 years in the making
"I think it's pancakes and sausage" is the line that always sticks with me from this book. It isn't from our main characters, but a side character, and it is the last thing he says before he world completely changes. This book begins the journey of Logan, and his innocence and carefree life is forever changed in it.
We also get to meet Hope, James Glen, and Cassidy, mama of two very important half-alien men, and partner to Mel. Dr Caleb Burke comes to Bliss, Holly Lang is now working at Stella's, and dear-sweet, wondrous english-language mixer-upper Alexei comes to town. In other words, we get to know more of the townsfolk, more of the workings, and more of the people who will give us more Bliss in the future!
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